Monday, March 25, 2019

Hizdudz Records - The Circle of Fifths

I'd spent many an hour putting together bass riffs that I loved, to then find it sounded awful with the rhythm and melodies that I had planned.

Then suddenly one day, during a YouTube movie about guitar techniques, the Circle of Fifths came into my life. Voila !

Keys, chord progressions, major this and minor that all came to one.

I talk to a lot of people about music and it's amazing how many don't even know of its existence.

So, for those who don't know, here it is, believe me, it's your future !

I haven't the skill to memorise the circle, but I've learnt how to move around the fret board instead. It makes improvisation so much easier, so please take time to learn the magic, trust me, it will be worth it.

COF - it's what it's all about.

Garry T - 07932 664159

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